Saturday, October 2, 2010

Respect Life Sunday - October 3, 2010


Let us pray for a Culture of Life!

O Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, stir up in everyone a great respect
and esteem for your precious gift of human life.  Bless those parents who
with generous hearts bring many children into the world.  Inspire us to
praise, encourage and assist them in fulfilling the command of God:  "Be
fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it."
Convert abortionists and those who experiment with human embryos.  Make
them realize they are killing innocent human persons.
Raise up for us government officials who will legislate, execute and
uphold laws defending the right to life of the innocent and protecting the
conjugal creation of life.
Lord, do not let those who are diseased or crippled, handicapped or
demented, be directly killed or helped to kill themselves, or be allowed
to die of starvation or dehydration  or lack of ordinary care.
Protect especially those unborn children whose lives are threatened.
Strengthen and encourage the brave men and women who have been abused, or
fined or imprisoned for their peaceful efforts to rescue these innocent
Give success to the work of those who are helping mother with difficult
pregnancies.  Grant those mothers the graces they need to give birth.
Grant also to mothers who have aborted, the grace of repentance, and to
those who have repented, the consolations of Your mercy and love.
Help us promote modesty and purity in both private and public life.  For
unless there is respect for sex, there will never be respect for life.  We
ask all this through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and
through Christ our Lord.  Amen.