Wednesday, October 20, 2010

November 11th Veterans Day Celebration

All veterans will be honored at Rome’s Veteran’s Day celebration on Thursday, November 11th  from 7 - 8 pm at St. Peter’s Church in Rome, NY.  To honor a veteran (living or deceased), purchase a $5.00 candle which will be displayed at the celebration.  Please fill out the order form which will be available on St. John’s website (click on downloads) or at both entrances of St. John’s church or in the pews at St. Peter’s Church and put money, or check made out to St. Mar’s/St. Peter’s) in an envelope and place in the collection basket.  Proceeds from the sales will benefit the Strough Middle School Civil Air Patrol.  Father James Culver, a Navy Veteran, will be the keynote speaker. Reception to follow in the Monsignor Culkin Hall.