Monday, September 27, 2010

Grief Support Group

Rev. Alan Howe will lead a new grief support group for 5 monthly meetings. Meetings of the grief support group will be on Mondays, at 7 pm. All meetings will take place at Rome 1st United Methodist Church at the corner of Embargo and N. George Streets. Pastor Howe has lead grief support groups before and is skilled at helping people move through the maze of feelings and situations which follow the death of a loved one, pet, dream or relationship. You are welcome. You are not alone. The group is open to anyone from Rome 1st United Methodist Church, but also to others from the community. Please sign up before the first meeting so that we have adequate resources available. We will use a small book titled "When Grief Breaks Your Heart" by pastor and writer James Moore.  Email Pastor Howe at or call the office at 336-1740 or sign up in the church lobby. Our group size is building and we promise to have a meaningful time and to work through some of the issues of grief. We won't have all the answers, but we will be gentle and kind to each other as we walk the journey of healing together. Projected dates are 10/18, 11/15, 12/13 or 12/20 and 1/10/11. Cost is $5 for the book named above and a voluntary donation each week to missions.