Monday, February 14, 2011

Genesis to Jesus Bible Study

Interested in learning more about our faith and the Bible! We will study the whole story of Biblical history as a series of covenants that God has made with His people from creation through the present. Over the course of seven weeks, you will learn how all the various covenants that God has made with His people in the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ and His Church. This study is a great introduction to the Bible with something for everyone, from beginners to the more advanced students of Scripture.

Please join us, in St. John's social hall, for this seven week study. The cost is $10.00 and includes a study book.

Starts on Tuesday March 1, at 6:30 – 8:00

Please fill out your name and place in the offering basket or call Bruce Clifford at 336-5414 or email

Name: ___________________________________ 

 Number Attending: _____________